The plot for the assignment 🙂 We got a question if we could automate the booking of Cisco TMS Video Conference for a customer that before this script managed about 2000 booking a month by clicking i Cisco TMS portal. One of the requirement for the automation was Powershell. The first thing was to start
Remote-presention with schedule task and Powershell For this solution you need the following: AD-user (not domainadmin!!!) with lowest rights. AD-group populated by the user (above) who will access the folder and run the scheduletask. The group is also populated with the users who will update the presentation. GPO that will configure the schedule task on
I have a customer who needed some sort of application/bat-file or powershell-script to restart a remote computer running a presentation. The presentation was updated with a schedule task on the client, but sometimes they needed to update extra. Instead of restarting the computer everytime i suggested we should run the schedule task remotely. The solution
This function compare what the Distribution Point has in WMI againt ContentLib [crayon-67b1a1a6c9706101033056/] If you want to remove WMI entry that not are in lib [crayon-67b1a1a6c9708511040124/] Of if you want to remove from ContentLIB [crayon-67b1a1a6c9709795023752/] To be used at own risk…
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