If you have PRTG and want to monitor thru wmi i´ve put together a guide based on two scripts (not created by me) what you need to do…. You need an service-account in your domain, not with domain-admin-rights, only a domain user. You need two scripts (se later in blogpost) to add service-account to two
Case: You need to verify that SNMP-service is running on servers, and if not it must be installed. To do after running the script: You need to set “supported platforms” on the CI after creation. This CI and Baseline only runs on Server 2012 and above. Main-Script: The main script to run in powershell elevated
If you get an update that you what to uninstall the best way is to use powershell. This function uninstalls the kb-article you ask for if it is installed on the system. To use it you have to run it as administrator. uninstall-hotfix -computername “replace with name” -hotfixID “Replace with numbers only” [crayon-67b19e003c916834915840/]